Correcting Bad Breath


Having occasional bad breath, such as following a meal loaded with onions or garlic, is no cause for concern. However, if you have chronic bad breath, this could be an indication that you have some type of oral health problem. Bad breath is a common condition that your dentist can help you with. There are also some things that you can do on your own to help correct bad breath.

Causes of Bad Breath

People sometimes develop bad breath because of things like:

· Dry mouth

· Tooth decay

· Gingivitis

· Poor oral hygiene

· Bacteria on the tongue

Woman holding her nose, indicating bad breath.

Tooth Decay

One common cause of bad breath is severe tooth decay. Bad odors can develop when bacteria has a chance to gorge on the sugars and carbohydrates left behind when you don’t brush thoroughly or often enough.

Eventually, bacteria leads to the formation of plaque on teeth, increasing your odds of developing tooth decay. The acids that plaque produces can erode your tooth enamel, allowing bacteria to reach progressively deeper layers of your teeth.

If the cause of your bad breath is tooth decay, your dentist can get rid of it by treating the underlying problem. In most cases, this would involve getting a dental filling. Sometimes, a fluoride treatment is enough to strengthen the enamel of the teeth. In more serious cases, you may need a tooth extraction or a root canal procedure.

Gum Disease

Unchecked accumulations of bacteria in the mouth eventually create an environment where the gum tissue surrounding your teeth begins to break down due to inflammation and infection. This is periodontal disease, commonly known as gum disease.

Gingivitis is a mild form of gum disease that you can reverse by resuming your proper oral hygiene habits at home. If gingivitis is allowed to progress further, it develops into a more serious type of gum disease called periodontitis. This is an irreversible kind of gum disease, but it can be slowed or stopped if you undergo regular deep cleanings.

Routine Dental Cleanings

Undergoing regular dental exam and cleaning appointments is one of the best ways to prevent the tooth problems that can cause bad breath. Your dentist will be checking for signs of tooth decay and gum.

disease. If anything is found, they can provide you with the appropriate treatment.

During a dental cleaning appointment, a dental hygienist would scrape away all plaque and tartar from the surfaces of your teeth. If you initially experienced bad breath, and are keeping up with your cleaning appointments, you should be able to correct your bad breath and protect the health of your teeth, mouth and gums.
